The Yakuza are believed to be one of the largest organized crime phenomena in the world and have been around longer than the Sicilian mafia. Their origins can be followed far back as to the year 1612 when men known as kabuki-mono (the crazy ones), came to the attention of local authorities. Their odd clothing, style, distinctive haircuts and anti-social behavior gained the attention of mainstream society. They have gained notoriety not just in Japan but around the world for their activities.

In Japanese legal terminology, Yakuza organizations are referred to as bĂ´ryokudan, literally violence groups. Yakuza members consider this an insult, as bĂ´ryokudan is a term which can be applied to any violent criminal. It is generally believed that most Yakuza members come from poor backgrounds or are on the margins of society.They mainly make their livings from unlawful activities, such as gambling, drugs, prostitution and extortion. For many poor people the Yakuza have become like a family that protects them. After the earthquake in Kobe the Yakuza arranged financial aid and even a helicopter for local people most effected by it. Many local business see the extortion money as a form of 'tax' and the police are sometimes reluctant to become involved.


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